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Frederic Malle

Frédéric Malle elevates perfumery to an art where, for the first time in history, perfumers sign their own masterpieces.
Each bottle holds a unique, yet timeless work of art, born from a passionate exchange with a perfume creator.
Every title bears the promise of excellence, audacity and seduction. Timeless, yet highly original works, each of which is daring and powerfully seductive in its own way.
This collection, unprecedented in its conception and range, offers the opportunity to find a perfume that mirrors the depth of your personality and expresses your singularity.
Frederic Malle Promise SetR 6,840.00
Frederic Malle PromiseFrom R 4,995.00
Frederic Malle Portrait Of A LadyFrom R 4,995.00
Frederic Malle The Hope Eau de ParfumFrom R 11,995.00
Frederic Malle Dawn 100mlR 28,985.00
Frederic Malle The Night Eau de ParfumFrom R 17,100.00
Frederic Malle The MoonFrom R 11,995.00
Frederic Malle Acne Studios Eau de ParfumFrom R 4,995.00
Frederic Malle Musc RavageurFrom R 4,360.00
Frederic Malle Outrageous 100mlR 5,980.00
Frederic Malle Bigarade ConcentreeFrom R 4,360.00
Frederic Malle Eau de MagnoliaFrom R 4,360.00
Frederic Malle Heaven Can Wait Eau de ParfumFrom R 4,360.00
Frederic Malle Vetiver ExtraordinaireFrom R 4,360.00
Frederic Malle Geranium Pour MonsieurFrom R 4,360.00
Frederic Malle En PassantFrom R 4,360.00
Frederic Malle Noir EpicesFrom R 4,830.00
Frederic Malle Synthetic JungleFrom R 3,850.00
Frederic Malle SuperstitiousFrom R 4,035.00
Frederic Malle Le Parfum de ThereseFrom R 3,185.00
Frederic Malle Rose TonnerreFrom R 4,995.00
Frederic Malle Carnal FlowerFrom R 4,995.00
Frederic Malle Iris PoudreFrom R 4,995.00
Frederic Malle Lipstick RoseFrom R 4,360.00
Frederic Malle Rose & CuirFrom R 4,360.00
Frederic Malle Cologne IndelebileFrom R 4,360.00
Frederic Malle Music For A WhileFrom R 5,380.00
Frederic Malle Monsieur.From R 4,360.00